31 Mar 2019

Rant #101

Before I go deeper to this sesi luahan perasan. Let me reiterate a few things.

1. Aku seorang yang introvert. I enjoy solitude. I enjoy spending time in my room. If you see that as being a loner then..your opinion is your own.

2. I'm human with feelings. Wait let me bold it..ok dah

3. I have a resting 'beach' face. If you know what i mean

4. I may seem unintelligent but i am no idiot.

5. My ultimate pet peeve is definitely when people lie to me over something yang i already know the truth. Like duh? I'm not dumb and you're clearly a bad liar. So might as well be honest.

So nak jadikan cerita...this past few days or weeks i must say. I've noticed a few things. One of which is...

Treat people the way you wanted to be treated. This quote is so close to our heart, but we don't actually realize that sometimes we don't do the things we said we would. (Me included). That's why i don't like to complain in any of my social media (excluding this blog sbb sape je baca blog aku ni lol. Blog loner). Sebab kita tak sedar kadang2 benda yg kita complain tu kita buat jugak dekat orang lain. Ni benda yang paling aku takut sekali. So i chose not to say anything in my status or what not. Sheesh. Sbb aku ni no angel la aku takut. Aku manusia banyak buat kesilapan. Ye dok?

On another note (which takde kaitan pun dengan paragraph di atas), I trust and very much respect people who exudes honesty. But then, when that person lied to you over something you already know the truth over and over again, you lost respect towards that person. And i think the reason is that you're (in this case me) disappointed to know that you're not even worth to be honest with. Why lie when you can be honest? Sumpah tak boleh brain. 

Teller of untruths, thy trousers hath, combusted.

Habis la sudah sesi luahan perasan harini. 

Until next time, xx.

30 Mar 2019

Whats good peeps

Assalamualaikum and hi again.

The last time i posted an entry was a year ago i think? Pretty long hiatus i must say. In those period of hiatus, i actually wrote quite a bunch of entries but i don't think they are worth to be published cause it's beyond cringey (not that this entry is any less cringey). So they've been sitting in my draft all this time. Hehehe

Anyway, i'm already halfway in my 3rd year of dentistry. And apparently it's true..they said once you started your clinical years. Your life basically revolves around that only. Personal life? Whats dat?

Speaking of drafted entries, one of the entries that I wrote was about the time when I had a crush. Which i think i will be sharing soon (hopefully!)

Until next time, xx